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In this action packed thriller Shia Labeouf plays the rebellious underachiever Jerry Shaw. Jerry has a twin brother who, unbeknownst to him, is involved in a top secret military experiment designed to monitor all communications in America. Unfortunately like all computerized military monitoring equipment this project takes matters into its own hand. The worst part about this movie is that it is very similar to the Will Smith blockbuster of a few years ago "I Robot". It is different in the fact that it's people being manipulated by a machine instead of machines being controlled by one. On a scale of one to ten i give this movie a seven because it is action packed and has some good humor moments but they lose points on originallity.
The movie Office Space was chosen as our miscellaneous review. Office Space, released February 1999, is the story of Peter Gibbons (Ron Livingston), a software engineer for Initech. Peter can not stand his job but must keep it in order to pay the bills. He is confronted by his eight bosses whenever he makes a mistake. Peter becomes so stressed that his girlfriend drags him to a hypnotist who she believes will be able to ease his stress at work. Upon being hypnotized, the hypnotist dies of a heart attack, leaving Peter in a complete state of apathy about his job, girlfriend, and bills. Peter quits going to work. He doesn’t quit, he doesn’t get fired, he just quits going. Office Space is a hilarious comedy about what happens when cubicle workers are pushed over the edge. The language used earns the movie an R rating.
On September 23rd, women all around the country anticipated, and men dreaded the release of the box office hit Sex and the City on DVD. Based on the hit Television show that aired on HBO for 6 seasons, it is the story of Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), a writer of a sex column, and her 3 best friends, Samantha (Kim Cattrall), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), and Charlotte (Kristen Davis). Sex and the City is the story of women looking for and finding love, without trying to lose themselves or their friendships. It is the ultimate chick flick, girls night movie, that men don’t want to waste their time watching. This movie will have you laughing and crying but most importantly you will finish the movie with a smile on your face. Although if the title doesn’t give it away, the “R” rating is a definite, and it is not a movie for young eyes. All in all this movie is great for the ladies but will make the men want to scream!
The movie My Best Friend’s Girl was released in theatres Friday, September 19th. With a very popular comedic cast including Dane Cook, Kate Hudson, and Jason Biggs the release of this comedy was very highly anticipated. The main storyline of this film is, Dane Cooks character Tank gets paid by his best friend (Jason Biggs) to take out his best friends ex-girlfriend (Kate Hudson) to make her realize what she has thrown away, but it becomes the ultimate test of their friendship. Dane Cook was very funny in this movie although his character was very vulgar and sometimes hard to take because he was paid to make women have the worst night of their lives. This movie is really funny if you can get past the many crude things that come out of Dane Cooks mouth (like in most of his films). Kate Hudson brought some class to the film although it is different than many of her films in the past and her and Cook's on screen romance is fun and exciting. This film is definitely designed for the college age group and deserved its "R" rating.